scorching, dynamics, boiler, heat accumulatorAbstract
The article presents a model of the operation of a thermal accumulator during the transformation of electrical energy into thermal energy, which may be the best indicators. Prospective in this plan is the installation of autonomous heat-accumulating electric heating appliances, which accumulate energy at night at low tariffs and last through the day. Why is it due to the fact that there will be a permanent reduction in the price for heat supply to deposit in the price of natural gas. In such minds, electric scorching with low nightly tariffs is not efficient, economically viable and competitively equal to other types of individual scorching.
For solving problems of non-stationary and stationary heat conduction with boundary minds of the third kind, it is necessary to know the heat transfer coefficient. Krіm tsyogo in deyakih vipadkah vinikaє nebhіdnіst і in designated temperature watering in pototsi іdini аbo gas. Distinguish convective heat exchange during temporal and during free flow. At the first moment, the flow is rushed to the floor by pumps, fans, compressors, etc. In the other, there is a fluctuation of ruh rіdini or gas vinikaє bіl surfacing warm or cold body, the middle T_f and the surface of the body TW. І in case of vibration, and in case of free convection, laminar, transitional and turbulent flow modes are distinguished
An assessment of the dynamics of scorching systems from the point of view of the efficiency of heat energy and the improvement of thermal comfort in scorching areas in a wide range has been carried out, it has shown options for technical solutions for effective distribution of heat energy and for ensuring the safety of heating in reducing comfort. Otriman's model can be adapted for engineering designs of heat-accumulating systems with an electrical scorching system.