information system, milking parameters, milking machine, Internet of thingsAbstract
The work proposes an information system for milking machine with milk pipeline, which is an innovative solution that enables the user at any moment of time, using a smartphone, personal or tablet computer, to receive information about the parameters of the technological process of cow's milk production, to monitor events, which occur at the milking plant, identify emergency situations and facts of violations of work regulations by the farm staff, perform milk accounting.
The developed information system for a milking plant with a milk pipe and individual milk accounting for each milker is a new solution, in which the concept of an information system for the functioning parameters of a milking plant with a milk pipe and individual milk accounting received by each milker was developed and implemented for the first time.
The system is designed for remote control of parameters of the technological process of cow's milk production on milking installations with a milk pipeline (UDM-100, UDM-200 and similar). All information about all events since the system installation is stored in the database. The information system allows the user at any time (with the help of a smartphone, personal computer or tablet) to receive information about the parameters of the technological process of cow's milk production, to monitor the events that take place at the milking plant, to detect emergency situations and facts of violations of the regulations work by the farm staff, to record the milk, to calculate the approximate milking time according to the methods discussed in the works [20, 21].
The information system can consist of 2, 4 or 8 electronic milk dispensers, which are designed to control the executive system of the milk dispenser, count the number of portions of milk formed by the dispenser, display and save information about the number of portions of milk received by individual milkers, record the date and time of readings, and also for transferring data about the milking result to the interface unit; the vacuum pump control unit, designed to record the date and time of the vacuum pump on and off, measure the instantaneous and average value of the vacuum pressure in the vacuum line of the milking unit and transmit this information to the interface unit; control unit of the washing machine, designed for automatic control of pre-milking washing, post-milking washing and disinfection processes, control of washing process parameters and transmission of information about washing process parameters to the interface unit; interface unit designed to receive data about events occurring at the milking plant, to record the date and time of these events, process the received data, present them in the required form and transmit this data to the user via the Internet; specialized software, which is installed on the Raspberry Pi 4 computer integrated into the interface unit, which processes, presents in the required form and writes to the memory card the data coming from other components of the system, synchronizes data about events on the milking parlor installations located on smartphones or user computers with data located on the memory card of the Raspberry Pi 4 computer.